
Things to do on Makarsankranti

How to Celebrate Makarsankrati: 1. Get up early in the morning, before sunrise, have bath and be ready with water & flowers for the sunrise. Worship the rising Sun, by offering water, flowers with both the hands & then pray with folded hands by chanting the Gayatri Mantra and pray for knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment to rise in the similar way to greater & greater heights. Pray for blessings to live a dynamic, inspired & righteous life.
2. Do Gayatri Manta chanting during the day too (if you could no do early morning) and direct to Sun God. Ask blessing for Wisdom and intelligence.
3. Do tarpan for your ancestors. Offer water to the ancestors while praying for their blessings. Resolve to redeem the pledges & pride of your forefathers. Live life in such a way that wherever your forefathers may be their head is held high by the life & deeds of their children.
4. Have a special session of Meditation, wherein you bring about the awareness of the self-effulgent subjective divinity. Affirm the greatest importance of your spiritual goal very clearly, and pray to God to bless you with the capacity to constantly revel in your true self. May the graph of your rise like the Uttarayana Sun. May there be greater 'Love & Light' in your life & the world.
5. Prepare laddus or other sweets of Til & Gur and offer them to your family, friends & relatives.
6. Eat Khichiri. This stands for inculcating simplicity in your life & habits.
7. Give some Daan/Donation on Makarsankranti to needy
8. Visit your son at his place and give presents to the son and the daughter-in-law. If it is not possible to visit, then organize to send presents to them to express your love & affection to them. Work to properly cultivate the generation, which has to carry forward all the best you cherish & value.
9. If you are planning to buy vehicle- Makarsankranti is good day
10. If you are planning to get married, engage - Makarsankranti is considered auspicious